Do you need to rent an apartment or house in St Petersburg?

Do you need to rent an apartment or house in St Petersburg?

Our task — To find, in the shortest time possible, accommodation to suit you and to make you comfortable in this apartment or house for the length of your stay in St Petersburg.

We not only arrange your rental contract but continue to look after you in the apartment with our service package.

Hamlet Property Management offer the following services:

  • Full search of the market for potential properties to suit your requirements
  • Written review of these properties for you to read and consider (including photos and floor plans
  • Viewings of the chosen apartments
  • Preparation of the tenancy agreement and any appendix to this agreement
  • Cosmetic repair to the chosen apartment prior to occupation
  • Supervision of any technical personal into the apartment if required
  • Payment of utility bills
  • Installation and technical support of satellite television
  • Care of plants and pets in your absence
  • Delivery of groceries for your return home to the apartment at the end of holidays
  • Translation services

We are ready to assist at any moment with any problem which may occur in your apartment
24 hours a day, 7 days a week we have a hot line where we can be contacted to deal with problems in both English and Russian.


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For example, center, ID96

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to help others!

Hamlet Property Management support two charities in St Petersburg: Perspectivy and Upsala Circus. Find out more