Development projects in residential real estate

Development projects in residential real estate

The search for investment projects and a realistic valuation of their income potential requires the kind of professional know how and approach which Hamlet Property Management can provide. Our years of experience at the top end of the rental market in St Petersburg have helped us put together our team of consultants who can weigh up the pros and cons of each project to ensure you buy the best possible property within the budget you have set.

For our clients looking to invest we can:

  • Make a thorough search of the market for suitable investment projects
  • Work out the best possible reconstruction plan for the chosen property
  • Calculate the potential returns - ie cost of purchase and renovation over expected rental income or sale
  • Guide the purchase to completion
  • Manage the process of permissions for any building and/or reconstruction
  • Oversee the interior design project
  • Coordinate contractors through the building process
  • Prepare the apartment for rent or sale
  • Furnish and equip the property
  • Manage the apartment for the entire length of the rental contract


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